Where We Came From…Where We Have Been

In 1989, Scott and Cheryl Lindberg had the novel idea of bringing some friends, who were also amazing dance instructors, into Denver for a dance workshop and some fun. Scott thought of this as an ‘idea’…Cheryl charged two plane tickets to Scott’s credit card…and ‘The Country Club’ was born. Scott got to work promoting the one-day event which was a great success. The natural next step was to discuss the possibility of hosting a dance festival of greater magnitude in Denver. Since Scott and Cheryl had been traveling and teaching with many talented dancers and instructors, they wanted to get their ‘out of state’ friends together with their ‘in state’ friends, and ‘The Country Club’ morphed into ‘The Colorado Country Classic’. The first Colorado Country Classic took place in June of 1991. It was a roaring success with over 1,000 dancers from across the country. Three buses carried 240 people on the Club Crawl and 540 people filled the ballroom for the Dinner Show. The competition consisted of only four divisions: Seniors, Division III, II and I. There were over 70 couples in Division III which required a semi-final round. Contestants stayed up awaiting the results to see if they were selected to dance in the final round on Sunday. Some of the event VIPs you might remember were Buzzy and Kellie Hennigan, Barry Durand and Dawn Garrish, Mike Haley and Patti Miller and Phil Adams.

Since that first year, there have been so many highlights: ‘The Mock Wedding’ which caught Scott and Cheryl completely by surprise, ‘The Brain Joke’ in which Mario Robau’s brain was valued at one million dollars due to the fact it has never been used, and ‘The Trike Rodeo’ and ‘Wheelbarrow Races’ which brought out the competitive spirit of folks like Bob Bahrs, David Getty and Kristin and Monty Ham. With the growth of Scott and Cheryl’s family, they decided to pass the torch of the Classic to Roger and Melissa Taylor in 2003. When Taylor family grew by two, the torch was passed once again to Kay Bryan in 2007. The event saw big changes that year when ballroom competition, run by Toby Munroe, was added to the schedule. In 2012, Kay added
her mother Fran Broadbent, son Jeremy Bryan and daughter-in-law Kelly Bryan to the event. In 2018, Fran “Grandma” Broadbent passed away at the age of 98 leaving behind a legacy like none other. Rhonda Shotts became an event director in 2019. Most recently, Kay moved to California and then sold the event to Kathi Bittner and Rachel Champion in 2024.

As the Colorado Country Classic continues, it’s certain that more wonderful memories, both fond and funny will be created. “The Classic” is an event that has always had that personal touch because the dancers matter! If you’ve been a part of the history of the event, “Thank you,” and we’re so glad you came back. If this is your first year, you’re in for the experience of a lifetime. To everyone…we’re glad to be a part of the memories that we hope will forever be etched on your hearts and minds with fondness and laughter.

Classic Choice Awards

Year – In State / Out of State

  • 1991 – Don & Joanie Moore / Steve Stevens
  • 1992 – Larry & Wanda Fanning / Robert Bosley & Dicksie Tamanaha
  • 1993 – The Butch Cassidy Club (Ft. Collins) / Barry Durand & Dawn Blorstad (Garrish)
  • 1994 – Tom & Karen Burns / Brian Milhouse
  • 1995 – Bill & Deb Raisner / Phil Adams
  • 1996 – Royce Robbins (Stampede) / BJ Brown
  • 1997 – Marilyn Anderson / Robert Royston & Laureen Baldovi
  • 1998 – Keith Fisher / Mike Haley & Patti Miller
  • 1999 – Tom Perlinger / Mario Robau, Jr.
  • 2000 – Lanette Dykeman & Casey Milnes / Dave Getty
  • 2002 – Rodger & Melissa Taylor / Susan Kellogg
  • 2003 – Susan Arceneaux-Smith / Rod & Luanne Rabe
  • 2004 – Patti Mulholland / Michael Kiehm
  • 2005 – Pat & Kevin Whiteley / Tim Packer
  • 2007 – Richard & Paula Mitton / Chris & Becky Haynam
  • 2006 – John Cowie / Mona Boussard
  • 2008 – Scott & Cheryl Lindberg / Tom & Karen O’Leary
  • 2009 – Troy Reed / Joe & Linda Fabian
  • 2010 – Manny Viarrial / Keith Armbruster & Jena Smith
  • 2011 – Kristin Geil / Fran Broadbent
  • 2012 – Toby Munroe / Aaron & Tiffany Lorenzen
  • 2013 – Trevor and Chelsea Spika / Maryann Harvey
  • 2014 – Nancy Richardson / Gary McIntyre and Susan Kirklin
  • 2015 – Dan & Karen Cox / Mike D’Amico & Colleen Concannon
  • 2016 – Mike & Kiri Mason and Todd Smith / Todd Longsworth % Jamie Hoyt
  • 2017 – Jo Thompson / Lary & Charlene Yorke
  • 2018 – Not Awarded (one-day event run)
  • 2019 – Penny Lalonde / Shawn Swaithes
  • 2020 – Not Awarded (event cancelled due to COVID)
  • 2021 – John Sinnot / Mike Eads
  • 2022 – Lindsay Woods / Craig Johnson & Joan Lundahl
  • 2023 – Not Awarded (one-day event run)
  • 2024 – Tasha Hoffner / Brigette Campos

Shining Star Award

  • 2024 – Rachel Champion
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